MERN Stack Developer

Looking for a candidate with strong ReactJS and NodeJS knowledge, expertise in Redux and MobX for state management, and familiarity with Restful APIs, databases, JWT authentication, and unit testing. Additional skills in CI/CD setup, NextJS, GraphQL, Docker, Firebase, and E2E testing are a plus.

  • Experience: 2+ Years

  • Location: Ahmedabad
mern stack developer job


  • Experience in client-side global state management tools like Redux, MobX

  • Knowledge of Webpack, Babel, Parcel,Version control system such as Git

  • Restful APIs using Node frameworks like ExpressJS, NestJS

  • Experience in Databases SQL/NoSQL, JWT authentication,Unit testing (Jest, Enzyme, React Testing Library),Proficiency in development of backend microservices

  • Setup CI/CD pipelines to deploy application on server

  • Hands on in NextJS,GraphQL,Docker,Firebase knowledge,E2E Testing (Cypress, WebdriverIO)

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