Sitecore XM Cloud2023-10-27T20:11:09+05:30

Our Sitecore XM Cloud Services

Sitecore Unified Identity

Enable a seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) experience across all Composable DXP applications, ensuring users have a consistent identity and login process.

Headless SXA

Speed up time-to-market with headless architecture and accelerator features, making content creation and delivery across digital channels more efficient.

Content Delivery via Edge

Optimize website performance and user experience by delivering content through edge services, reducing latency and improving load times.

Sitecore Embedded Personalization

Enhance engagement and conversions through embedded personalization, tailoring content to individual users’ preferences and behaviors.

XM Cloud Deploy

Streamline web experience deployment on Sitecore XM Cloud, ensuring scalability and reliability in the cloud environment.

GitOps Support

Manage code and settings efficiently with GitOps for smoother collaboration and version control.

Transform Your Digital Landscape with Sitecore XM Cloud

Our comprehensive services offer a transformative experience, enabling your business to create highly personalized, secure, and high-performance digital experiences.

Why Should opt for
Sitecore XM Cloud Services?

Sitecore Experience Manager Cloud merges the advantages of traditional monolithic and modern headless CMS solutions. It offers efficient content management and developer agility, thanks to a headless architecture and modern frameworks, while maintaining marketer-friendly page layouting capabilities.

  • Speed: Visitors are greeted with an experience that loads lightning-fast and engages instantly.
  • Relevance: Customers are recognized and welcomed back to an experience that understands their needs

  • Agility: Marketers can easily orchestrate the overall experience across digital campaigns

  • Flexibility: Developers can rapidly develop and launch new experience types with modern front-end frameworks

XM Cloud Features

XM Cloud Sites

  • Streamline site management: Sites offers a straightforward approach to handle your current sites and establish new ones.

  • Go global effortlessly: Effectively oversee multilingual site needs in a uniform manner.

  • Simplify version control: Utilize strong version control to effortlessly restore a site to a previous iteration.

xm cloud sites

XM Cloud Pages

  • User-Friendly and Intuitive: Enjoy a seamless and responsive user experience for designing page layouts.

  • Component Reusability: Preview your page across all devices with ease using reusable components.

  • Take Charge: Publish pages instantly when your edits are complete, while maintaining complete version control to track changes.

XM Cloud Components

  • Achieve pixel-perfect frontend experiences and commerce storefronts.

  • Seamlessly integrate media and content from any source via GraphQL into your user interface.

  • Distribute content directly from the Edge for a faster delivery.

  • Easily enable personalization by connecting to Sitecore Personalize for A/B tests and tailored content configurations.

XM Cloud Personalization

  • Capture your audience:Employ more than 20 pre-designed audience templates for targeting.
  • Precision in targeting: Customize your own targeting rules for precise control.

  • Craft diverse page versions: Personalize experiences by associating audiences with page variants.

XM Cloud – Analytics

  • Know your audience: Understand how people use your pages.

  • Impact Assessment:See how your personalization strategies affect your site.

  • Quick Insights: Easily access top-line metrics, including pageviews, bounce rates, and time on page.

XM Cloud – Full Frontend Adaptability

  • Jamstack ready:NextJS,ReactJs,AngularJs,DotNet Core,VueJS And More

  • Edge Hosting:Cloudflare,Vercel,Netlify,Heroku And More

Recent Blogs

Case studies

Interested To Discuss Your Next Big Sitecore Project?

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it’s suitable for businesses of all sizes, offering scalability to grow with your needs.

It provides robust security measures, including encryption and access controls.

Absolutely, it seamlessly integrates with existing systems and third-party applications.

Contact us for a free consultation, and we’ll create a customized plan to meet your business goals.


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